Final Beyunbi Conference Unites Leaders Across Europe to Address Unconscious Bias

Over 60 participants convened at ACE Events in Brussels for the final conference of the EU project “Beyond Unconscious Bias” (Beyunbi), a groundbreaking initiative coordinated by CEC European Managers.

The event marked the culmination of 18 months of extensive research, training, and dialogue to tackle unconscious biases in leadership across Europe.

The EU Project Beyunbi has explored the prevalence of unconscious biases among European managers and developed a pilot training scheme in collaboration with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini to address these biases in workplace decision-making.

A comprehensive report based on an international survey highlighted the project’s findings, shedding light on inclusivity among European leaders.

The author of this extensive report, Lea Skewes, from the University of Southern Denmark, was also present at the Final Conference and took the opportunity to showcase both the methodology and main findings of the analysis.

A Day of Insights and Inspiration

The conference opened with a warm welcome from Olga Molina, Director of CEC European Managers. Her keynote speech celebrated the project’s achievements and stressed the importance of leveraging diversity to foster innovation, productivity, and growth.

Through BEYUNBI, we have built tools, knowledge, and insights that will continue to inspire inclusive leadership

Olga Molina

Director CEC European Managers

Torkild Justesen, Secretary General of CEC European Managers, provided a broader perspective on the project, connecting it to global sustainability and climate leadership discussions following his participation at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP29.

Highlighting the role of European managers in combating unconscious biases, he stated, “Inclusiveness is not just about doing good—it’s about competitiveness and leveraging the full potential of our shrinking workforce.”

Inclusiveness is not just about doing good—it’s about competitiveness and leveraging the full potential of our shrinking workforce.

Torkild Justesen

Secretary General CEC European Managers

“1M managers can make a difference”: Perspectives from Policy and Practice

The European Commission’s Social Dialogue Team Lead and Project Officer Diana Cumprana underscored the EU’s commitment to equity and inclusivity, linking Beyunbi’s objectives to broader initiatives such as the Pact for Social Dialogue and the Quality Jobs Roadmap.

The EU Commission supports social partners in various ways, there’s a basis in the treates.

Diana Crumpana, Social Dialogue Team Lead & Project Officer

EU Commission

Diana Crumpana, EU Commission

Member of European Parliament Sérgio Humberto added a political dimension to the discussion, stressing the importance of embedding inclusivity into EU policies.

Managers make millions of strategic decisions everyday that impact European companies and economy. Controlling the biases when making these decisions is crucial.

Sérgio Humbero, EP Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Member of the European Parliament

Tamara Makoni, a DEI (diversity, equality, and inclusion) specialist and board member of The Brussels Binder, shared actionable strategies for countering unconscious biases.

She highlighted practical steps for managers, including recognizing proximity and affinity biases, and encouraged participants to “slow down” decision-making processes to ensure inclusivity.

Empowering Change Through Research and Training

Barbara de Micheli of Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini showcased the transformative impact of Beyunbi’s training programs, which helped managers recognize and address their biases.

First-hand testimonials from participants representing organisations like CFE-CGC (France) and Ledarna (Sweden) reinforced the program’s success in fostering inclusivity.

Lea Skewes, a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Southern Denmark, presented findings from Beyunbi’s survey, revealing data-driven insights into leadership biases across Europe.

If you have a brain you have a bias. Bias is inherent, but awareness and training can mitigate its effects

Barbara de Micheli, Head of Social Justice and Training Coordinator

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

From left to right: Tamara Makoni (The Brussels Binders), Jowita Michalska (EU Digital Ambassador) and Barbara de Micheli (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini)

From left to right: Tamara Makoni (The Brussels Binders), Jowita Michalska (EU Digital Ambassador) and Barbara de Micheli (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini)

Jowita Michalska, EU Digital Ambassador, added a forward-looking perspective by exploring how Artificial Intelligence can challenge and reinforce unconscious biases in the workplace. Her talk called for the responsible use of technology to promote equity.

Leaders and managers’ role: A Call to Action

Maxime Legrand, President of CEC European Managers, concluded the conference with a rallying call to participants. “The success of BEYUNBI lies in each of you,” he said. “Take these ideas back to your organisations and make inclusion the standard for leadership in Europe.”

Attendees departed with a renewed commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusivity within their professional spheres.

Take these ideas back to your organisations and make inclusion the standard for leadership in Europe.

Maxime Legrand
President CEC European Managers

Beyunbi may have concluded its project phase, but its impact will resonate across Europe’s managerial landscape for years to come, notably with the upcoming dissemination campaign of the survey results and findings, which will be announced in the next weeks.

You can re-watch the full Final Conference here [+]


Banner Final Conference BEYUNBI

BEYUNBI Final Conference: Breaking Barriers and Building Inclusive Leadership in Europe

Leaders, policy experts, and advocates will gather in Brussels to mark the culmination of the transformative BEYUNBI project; the European initiative focused on addressing unconscious bias and fostering inclusivity in leadership roles.


This final conference promises to be a moment of reflection, celebration, and forward-thinking as stakeholders from diverse sectors unite under the theme, “Empowering Inclusiveness in European Leadership.”

Download full agenda here [+]

About the EU project Beyond Unconscious Bias – BEYUNBI

The European project Beyond Unconscious Bias is an important initiative of the European Commission coordinated by CEC European Managers (Confederation Européennes des Cadres), a key social partner representing over 1M managers across Europe.

Together with CEC, another social partner of the European Commission, Eurocadres, is also involved in the BEYUNBI project.

In the EU, around 10 million managers make millions of decisions daily, which impact our economy, society, and environment.

While competent management will carefully consider the needs of the organisation and its wider environment, decisions are always influenced by unconscious processes.

All people have biases, and biases of all kinds are part of our unconsciousness.

The EU project BEYUNBI has been studying the prevalence of unconscious bias among managers in the EU during the last 18 months. It has developed an EU pilot training scheme on unconscious biases with the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini and ways of moving beyond it.

The project’s primary outcome consists of a report showcasing the results of an international survey that targeted the biases of managers and leaders in Europe (see full press release for more information).

BEYUNBI Agenda for the Final Conference – Overview

The day will begin with a warm welcome from attendees over coffee, setting the tone for meaningful dialogue and collaboration.

Olga Molina, Director of CEC European Managers, will open the conference with an inspiring message on the significance of leadership diversity and the strides made through BEYUNBI.

Torkild Justesen, Secretary General CEC European Managers

Torkild Justesen, Secretary General of CEC European Managers

Torkild Justesen, Secretary General of CEC European Managers, will then provide a comprehensive introduction to the BEYUNBI project, recounting its journey, objectives, and the transformative impact on leadership landscapes across Europe, and bringing the latest remarks on sustainability directly from the United Nations Climate Conference COP29 (where CEC European Managers has been actively participating).

Diana Cumprana from the European Commission will follow, underscoring the Commission‘s commitment to equity and inclusivity in the workplace and the importance of social dialogue.

Sergio Humberto, MEP

Sérgio Humberto, MEP

Sérgio Humberto, Member of the European Parliament, will share insights via a live connection from Strasbourg, addressing the role of policy in shaping equitable employment practices.

Tamara Makoni, The Brussels Binder

Tamara Makoni, a recognized diversity, equity, and inclusion specialist, an active voice at The Brussels Binder, and founder of Kazuri Consulting, will offer practical strategies to overcome unconscious bias and embed inclusivity in leadership.

The event will also shed light on BEYUNBI’s tangible achievements.

Barbara de Micheli

Barbara de Micheli, Coordinator, Head of Social Justice Unit at Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

Barbara de Micheli, the project’s training coordinator, will present key outcomes from the initiative’s training programs.

These programs have empowered participants to recognize and address unconscious biases in their organisations.

Further testimony will come directly from engaged participants representing prominent managerial organisations such as CIDA (Italy), Ledarna (Sweden), Lederne (Denmark), and CGC-CFE (France), who will share their transformative experiences.


Lea Skewes, Postdoctoral researcher University of Southern Denmark

Research plays a pivotal role in the fight against unconscious bias, and this will be evident in the presentation of the comprehensive EU survey by Lea Skewes, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Southern Denmark. Her findings will provide data-driven insights into the state of inclusivity in leadership across Europe.


Jowita Michalska, EU Digital Ambassador

Adding a forward-thinking dimension to the discussion, Jowita Michalska, an EU Digital Ambassador and gender bias expert, will explore how emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, intersect with inclusivity and diversity efforts in leadership.

The conference will conclude with a reflective yet action-oriented session. Maxime Legrand, President of CEC European Managers, will deliver closing remarks highlighting the project’s achievements and setting the stage for future endeavors to promote inclusive leadership across Europe.

Join us on this remarkable journey of transformation and inclusivity.

Together, we can shape leadership that knows no boundaries.

More information can be found here:

100 Italian leaders step up to control their unconscious biases

“I’m not racist, but… I like women to succeed professionally with their career… but…” said CEC European Managers Deputy Secretary General, Silvia Pugi, at the opening of the third Beyond Unconscious Bias Public event, organised by the Italian organisation representing leaders and managers, CIDA Manager (Confederazione italiania dei dirigenti e delle alte professionalità).

On November 4th, the European project Beyunbi—coordinated by CEC European Managers—hosted its concluding online public event, bringing a focused discussion on the Italian training held in Rome in June 2024.

The webinar attracted around 100 managers and featured prominent panelists, including Silvia Pugi (Deputy Secretary General at CEC European Managers), Alberto Castelli (CIDA Manager), Barbara de Micheli (training coordinator from Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini), and Antonio Soriero, an active participant in the training.

SILVIA PUGI Beyunbi - Public online

The event’s key objective was to address unconscious bias in the workplace and highlight some of the results from the survey Beyunbi conducted by Post Doc Lea Skewes with the University of Southern Denmark to analyze the current biases among European leaders.

Biases are present in our everyday interactions

Silvia Pugi opened the event with a stark reminder of how subtle biases permeate daily interactions. “We, the managers, set the workplace atmosphere,” she said, pointing out the importance of recognizing how biases affect marginalized groups, such as women and the LGBT+ community.

She underlined CEC European Managers’ commitment to tackling these issues, noting the survey of over 1,000 EU leaders to identify and manage inherent biases.

Alberto Castelli highlighted leaders’ critical role in shaping more inclusive and forward-thinking organisations, noting that, in Italy, CIDA represents leaders across various sectors.

We are talking about the future, and the future will be full of complex and diverse organisations

Alberto Castelli

CIDA Manager

He underscored that fostering diversity and sustainability is a moral imperative and essential for economic growth and competitiveness. “We are talking about the future, and the future will be full of complex and diverse organisations,” Castelli remarked.

He advocated for leadership tools that support diversity, which can, in turn, inspire innovation and foster competitiveness.

Barbara de Micheli (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini) provided insights from the Rome training, explaining the importance of understanding automatic decision-making mechanisms that leaders often rely on.

“We all have dark parts, but it has been great to see managers and leaders’ proactivity,” she said.

This proactive engagement from participants like Antonio Soriero underscored the training’s value in fostering relationships and empowering leaders to harness talent effectively.

The power of data and resistance to change

The event showcased the results of a survey led by Lea Skewes (University of Southern Denmark), reinforcing the importance of data-driven insights in overcoming resistance to change.

“Bias is what stops you from growing and getting better,” Pugi emphasized after the presentation.

De Micheli reiterated the point: “Resistance to change is something we see every day, which is why data is so important. Bringing data to decision-makers and making them see reality as it is is a powerful tool.”

Bias is what stops you from growing and getting better

Silvia Pugi

CEC European Managers, Deputy Secretary General

Challenges in Italian workplaces and ageism

During the webinar, participants acknowledged Italy’s challenges, including its limited workplace diversity and the dominance of men in leadership roles.

Pugi noted that Beyunbi‘s research predominantly involved male respondents, as most European leaders are still men. This sheds light on an area ripe for growth.

The discussion also covered ageism and telework, with De Micheli describing assumptions about older or younger employees’ capabilities as “age racism.”

She pointed to books like Perennials (by Mauro F. Guillén) as evidence of the evolving nature of careers, where individuals may hold multiple roles and require lifelong learning strategies.

Barbara de Micheli said that in the future, people will have to perform, on average, seven different roles in their jobs.

Antonio Soriero highlighted the pressing demographic issues faced by Italy, where annual births have dropped to under 400,000.

“We are going to rely a lot on an economy with multiple generations working together in the same team,” he stated, emphasizing the importance of collaboration across age groups.

Education and broader societal biases

During the Q&A session, school manager Alfio Russo provided a perspective on the educational sector, noting that while there is a need for more male representation – “the blue quote”– biases related to the LGBT+ community and migration remain prevalent.

The event concluded with Castelli‘s strong call to action: “If managers and leaders control their biases, we will see massive changes in our societies. It is good for achieving better rights and essential for competitiveness.”

If managers and leaders control their biases, we will see massive changes in our societies

Alberto Castelli

CIDA Manager

De Micheli echoed this sentiment, affirming the importance of CEC‘s dedication to continuous progress.

Towards a Bias-free workplace?

This final Beyunbi public event illustrated the importance of initiatives like this in fostering a new generation of leaders who are aware of their biases, committed to lifelong learning, and equipped to promote inclusivity.

As the project winds down, its legacy serves as a foundation for further efforts to create an innovative, competitive, and truly inclusive workplace and society.

The final conference of the Beyond Unconscious Bias project will be taking place in Brussels on 27 November 2024. More information will soon be shared.

You can re-watch the online public event (in Italian) here [+]

BANNER Public Event BEYUNBI - Beyond Unconscious Bias























CIDA Managers represents approximately 140 thousand managers and high-level professionals, both public and private. It has 10 Associations, which represent managers of industry, commerce, public administration, public health, the Bank of Italy, agriculture, insurance, the third sector, university researchers, and radio and television authors.

Find more information on other Beyunbi – Beyond Unconscious Bias public events here:

This will be the Final Online Public Event on Unconscious Bias Among Managers

The European project “Beyond Unconscious Bias” (BEYUNBI), coordinated by CEC European Managers, is coming to its end, and it’s announcing the last online public event, taking place on November 4, 2024, at 15:00 CET.

This event will offer a unique platform for experts, project participants, and the public to engage in meaningful discussions about unconscious bias in leadership and the strategies to address it. It will focus on the Italian leadership models confronted during the training led by Baraba de Micheli (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini) in Rome between 18-19 June 2024.

The event will be in Italian, will last for one hour, and can be followed live via this link [] or on the official LinkedIn page of CEC European Managers (


  • Expert Contributions: Experts from BEYUNBI, including the organisations CEC European Managers and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, will share their insights and expertise on tackling unconscious bias among managers.
  • For Managers: The event will delve into leadership models and the unique challenges leaders face in Italy. Attendees will be able to interact with CEC European Managers’ Deputy Secretary General, Silvia Pugi and the Confederazione italiana dei dirigenti e delle alte professionalità (CIDA)’s Director Teresa Lavanga.
  • Survey Results Presentation: The University of Southern Denmark’s analysis of the international survey conducted through the EU Project Beyunbi will be presented alongside the main findings on unconscious bias, providing a data-driven perspective on the issue.
  • Q&A Session: Participants will have the chance to engage with the Beyunbi training experts, as well as trainees from the program held in Rome on June 18-19, 2024. Additionally, a participant in the training will offer her perspective on the challenges of addressing bias in leadership in the Italian context.


BANNER Public Event BEYUNBI - Beyond Unconscious Bias


Il progetto europeo Beyond Unconscious Bias (BEYUNBI), coordinato da CEC European Managers, è giunto alla sua conclusione e annuncia il suo evento pubblico finale, che si terrà online il 4 novembre 2024 alle ore 15:00.

L’evento rappresenterà un’importante occasione di confronto tra esperti, partecipanti al progetto e pubblico, per discutere i pregiudizi inconsci nella leadership e le strategie per superarli. Verranno approfonditi i modelli di leadership italiani esaminati durante la formazione condotta da Barbara de Micheli (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini) a Roma il 18 e 19 giugno 2024.

L’evento, interamente in italiano, avrà una durata di un’ora e sarà trasmesso in diretta a questo link e sulla pagina ufficiale LinkedIn di CEC European Managers.

I principali momenti dell’evento:

  • Contributo dei professionisti: Esperti del progetto BEYUNBI, tra cui rappresentanti di CEC European Managers e della Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, condivideranno riflessioni e approfondimenti su come affrontare i pregiudizi inconsci tra i manager.
  • Focus sui manager: L’evento esplorerà modelli di leadership e sfide specifiche per i leader italiani. I partecipanti potranno interagire con Silvia Pugi, Vice Segretario Generale di CEC European Managers, e con Alberto Castelli, Ufficio Affari Istituzionali CIDA.
  • Presentazione dei risultati del sondaggio: Verranno presentati i principali risultati dell’indagine internazionale condotta dall’ateneo USD (University of Southern Denmark) nell’ambito del Progetto BEYUNBI, offrendo una prospettiva basata sui dati relativi al tema dei pregiudizi inconsci.
  • Sessione di domande e risposte: I partecipanti avranno l’opportunità di interagire con gli esperti del Progetto BEYUNBI e con chi ha preso parte alla formazione tenutasi a Roma il 18 e 19 giugno 2024. È previsto, inoltre, un momento di confronto con uno dei partecipanti, che condividerà la propria esperienza e le sfide affrontate per superare i pregiudizi nella leadership in Italia.



L’evento finale aperto al pubblico, organizzato dal Progetto Europeo BEYUNBI – Beyond Unconscious Bias, rappresenta un’opportunità fondamentale per approfondire la comprensione dei pregiudizi inconsci tra i leader e per scambiare soluzioni pratiche volte a creare ambienti di lavoro più inclusivi.

Link per accedere all’evento online
Orario: 15:00 (CET)
Luogo: Online, piattaforma ZOOM
Altre piattaforme di streaming: LinkedIn Live Streaming 

Informazioni sul Progetto BEYUNBI – Beyond Unconscious Bias

Il progetto Beyond Unconscious Bias (BEYUNBI) è un’importante iniziativa guidata da CEC European Managers, partner sociale della Commissione Europea e che rappresenta oltre un milione di manager in Europa.

Il progetto mira a identificare e ridurre i pregiudizi inconsci nei ruoli manageriali attraverso una serie di azioni mirate, tra cui un’indagine internazionale condotta dall’Università della Danimarca del Sud e attività formative online e in presenza, organizzate dalla Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.

L’obiettivo di BEYUNBI è dotare le figure manageriali e i leader degli strumenti necessari per promuovere ambienti di lavoro più inclusivi ed equi in tutta l’UE. Attraverso il loro impegno nei temi legati all’inclusività, alla parità di genere e alla leadership femminile, i manager europei coinvolti in questo progetto lavoreranno per sostenere una cultura manageriale più aperta e diversificata in Europa.

Non perdere questa opportunità di dialogo con leader ed esperti del settore e contribuire a un futuro più inclusivo per la gestione aziendale.

Per maggiori informazioni, visita il sito del progetto o segui i canali social di CEC European Managers.

The European project Beyunbi gathers 80 French managers to discuss diversity, Artificial Intelligence bias, and leadership

On 10 October 2024, a one-hour virtual event on Zoom and Linkedin brought together approximately 80 participants to discuss critical issues related to the European Project Beyond Unconscious Bias—Beyunbi.

Sexual orientation, diversity in the workplace, biases in Artificial Intelligence, and leadership are some of the aspects addressed in the latest Beyunbi training, which was held in Paris on 30 September and 1 October. A parallel online public event was organized to reinforce the knowledge acquired at the session.

The President of CEC European Managers, Maxime Legrand, Capucine Edou (CFE-CGC), and the trainer coordinator, Barbara de Micheli, conducted an interesting online session to reinforce the ideas behind the European project Beyunbi.

Barbara de Micheli from Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini led the face-to-face training in Paris and the online event.

Diverse teams make better outcomes

Maxime Legrand

President of CEC European Managers

Key highlights from the event

President Maxime Legrand emphasized the critical importance of diverse teams and how they contribute to better outcomes.

In his address, he noted, “Diverse teams make better outcomes,” underscoring the link between diversity, successful organisational performance, and economic return.

He also addressed the pressing issue of biases in Artificial Intelligence, stating, “AI algorithms have biases such as the colour of the skin, gender, and others. As managers, we must know this and take care when implementing AI within our teams.”

Legrand also shared insights into Beyunbi‘s recent initiatives, noting the success of training 60 top leaders across Nordic, South, and Central Europe. “This project is a pilot; we are investing our efforts to train ambassadors that will, with time, disseminate and teach others about the importance of keeping unconscious biases under control.”

Participant perspectives and experiences

Capucine Edou, one of the engaged participants in the Beyunbi session held in Paris, shared her positive experience, reflecting on how the training impacted her approach to management.

“I realized I have biases,” Edou remarked, emphasizing that the experience would reshape certain aspects of how she manages her teams in the future.

Barbara de Micheli provided insight into the diversity of the training sessions, noting the distinct responses and levels of engagement from different audiences depending on their background and country.

Perspectives and approaches differed a lot, especially during discussions on biases and diversity.

I realized I have biases.

Capucine Edou (CFE-CGC)

Participant at the Beyond Unconscious Bias training in Paris

An Invitation to the Final Conference in Brussels

The event concluded with an open invitation to the Beyunbi Final Conference on November 27 in Brussels, where prominent figures, including members of the EU CommissionEU Parliament, an EU Digital Ambassador, and from other organisations such as The Brussels Binder, will participate in an interesting panel.

The Final Conference of the Beyond Unconscious Bias project will mark a significant milestone in the struggle to control unconscious biases among European leaders.

More information on the Final Conference will be available in the coming weeks. It promises further discussions on diversity, inclusivity, and leadership in a rapidly changing workplace.

You can rewatch the second Beyunbi public event (in French) here:



CEC European Managers advocates for moving beyond unconscious bias at Women in Brussels Connect 2024

Brussels hosted the Women in Brussels Connect 2024, a unique gathering organised by the Communication Agency Savion Ray dedicated to celebrating women in European Affairs.


The event united diverse women-led organisations, networks, and professionals across Brussels and Europe, creating a dynamic space for connection, empowerment, and inspiration.

The day was marked by thought-provoking panel discussions featuring accomplished women leaders from various sectors, including politics, technology, and communications, based in Brussels.

These empowered women shared their professional journeys, highlighting their accomplishments and the collective effort toward gender equality in the workplace.

Each speaker brought a unique perspective, shedding light on the importance of mentorship, inclusivity, and community-building among women professionals.

Women in Brussels Connect 2024 highlights

The event promised more than just networking; it offered a comprehensive exploration of the organisations and networks spearheaded by women in Brussels.

Attendees could connect with like-minded professionals, learn about initiatives led by participating groups, and explore potential collaborations.

Among the highlighted organizations was Clusity – Women in Tech Community, known for its ambassadorship programs.

The organisation brings together women in technology and advocates for increased representation and support for women in tech. Clusity aims to build a community where women in tech feel supported and empowered to thrive.

Another distinctive organisation at the event was The Nine, a space dedicated to fostering connections and skill development for women.

Emphasizing that their initiatives go beyond “karaoke and cocktails,” The Nine offers public speaking courses, panel discussions, and workshops.

Our mission is to champion women from all walks of life. We see ourselves as sisters in arms united in the pursuit of gender equality.

The Nine

Brussels Binder also took the floor at the event. Since its establishment in 2017, Brussels Binder has positioned itself as a critical resource for women experts, actively promoting inclusion and equity on panels and public forums.

We are beyond a database; we’re actively filling the representation gap and promoting women as key voices in public discourse.

Brussels Binder

Tamara Makoni, a member of this organization, will join CEC European Managers and other stakeholders, managers, and decision-makers as a panelist at the Beyond Unconscious Bias final conference. We will organise it in Brussels on 27 November, and more information will be shared soon.

Another organisation aiming to nurture female leadership through one-on-one mentoring, leadership development programs, and a focus on personal growth, particularly for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths (STEAM) fields, is Professional Women International (PWI).

We believe that personal development is crucial to fostering strong female leaders in a male-dominated world.

Professional Women International (PWI)

Finally, the W100 platform explained how its approach celebrates the achievements of 100 women in social projects. W100 emphasizes diversity as a strength and social action as a positive force.

Their recent social media campaign, which featured these inspirational women, has garnered widespread attention.

Our cornerstone is inclusivity, and our goal is to spotlight women as pivotal players in shaping Brussels’ future


European leaders and managers

Representing CEC European Managers, Director Olga Molina and Communications Officer Pere Vilanova actively participated in the event to disseminate and advocate for the  European initiative Beyond Unconscious Bias, the groundbreaking EU project aimed at fostering awareness and addressing implicit biases within managerial contexts.

In several interactions, Molina and Vilanova outlined the project’s scope and significance, emphasizing managers’ crucial role in steering organisations towards inclusivity and equality.

They also underscored the project’s mission to go beyond superficial diversity measures and explore concrete strategies for creating bias-free work environments.

It is vital that managers understand the impact of unconscious biases on their teams and workplaces. This project is a tool for both reflection and action, empowering leaders to drive real change.

Olga Molina

Director at CEC European Managers

A Shared Commitment to Equality and Inclusivity

As the event concluded, participants reflected on the impactful day. The common message was clear: women in Brussels are not competitors but collaborators, working together to achieve a shared vision of gender equality, inclusion, and empowerment.

“We are here to create a lasting partnership, not just for today, but for the future,” said one attendee. This sentiment resonated across the room.

Women in Brussels are not competitors but collaborators

To sum up, Women in Brussels Connect 2024 offered a remarkable platform for attendees to continue their conversations, forge new connections, and commit to ongoing collaboration.

For those passionate about European affairs, female leadership, and creating a more inclusive workplace, Women in Brussels Connect 2024 served as a powerful reminder of the strength that comes from unity and the importance of advocating for a brighter, more equitable future for all.

As a European Commission social partner, CEC European Mangers believes, EU leaders must make their voices heard and champion leadership and equality struggles.

Join our second public online event on unconscious bias among EU leaders and managers

The European project Beyond Unconscious Bias (BEYUNBI), coordinated by CEC European Managers, is proud to announce its second online public event, which will take place on 10 October 2024, at 15:00 CET.

This event will be held in French and it will provide a unique platform for experts, project participants and the public to engage in meaningful discussions on unconscious bias in leadership and strategies to address it.

The event will last one hour and can be followed live via this link [] or on the official CEC European Managers Linkedin page.

Event highlights

Expert contributions: Beyunbi experts from CEC European Managers and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (training coordinator Barbara de Micheli) will share their insights and expertise on tackling unconscious bias among managers.

For Managers: The event will explore leadership models and the unique challenges leaders face in France. Participants will also be able to interact with Maxime Legrand, President of CEC European Managers.

Presentation of the survey results: The analysis of the international survey conducted by the University of Southern Denmark will be presented alongside the key findings on unconscious bias, providing a data-driven perspective on the issue.

You will also learn from Capucine Edou, one of the managers who participated in the Beyunbi training in Paris. She will explain her experience and the usefulness of the training.

Q&A session: Participants will have the opportunity to engage with Beyunbi training experts, as well as trainees from the training program held in Paris on September 30 and October 1, 2024.

This open event represents a crucial opportunity to deepen the understanding of unconscious bias among leaders and share practical solutions to create more inclusive workplaces.

Link to access the public event:

Time: 3:00 PM (Central European Time)

Location: Online, ZOOM room

Other streaming platforms: Linkedin Live Streaming

Final BEYUNBI training in Paris: French leaders discuss legal frameworks for inclusive leaderships

The final face-to-face training session of the European project BEYUNBI (Beyond Unconscious Bias) took place in Paris on Monday, September 30, and Tuesday, October 1. Our French member organisation, French Confederation of Management – General Confederation of Executives (CFE-CGC), hosted the session, and its National Secretary, Anne-Catherine Cudennec, welcomed the participants.

She emphasized the importance of European projects like BEYUNBI in promoting inclusivity and diversity across the continent.

Following her address, Maxime Legrand, President of CEC European Managers, took the stage. He highlighted the organisation’s role in fostering diversity and training managers on modern challenges, including Artificial Intelligence, the green transition, and the struggle for innovation.

Legrand acknowledged that, despite these strides, some European managers still face challenges such as language barriers, as much of the European Union‘s work is conducted in English.

He invited the members of our French host organisation to visit the EU quarter in Brussels and the headquarters of CEC, offering an opportunity to see the work of the international office up close.

Following his speech, Legrand introduced Barbara De Micheli, Beyunbi’s Training Coordinator, and head coordinator at the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. She took a moment to reflect on the legacy of Giacomo Brodolini, a prominent Italian syndicalist from the 1970s, known for his work in Italian labour policy. De Micheli also shared her deep commitment to EU projects promoting equal opportunities.

The 23 training participants then introduced themselves through a card game, illustrating their feelings and expectations for the training. They were coming from different backgrounds and sectors, lots of them from the energy sector and from member organisations of the French confederation of managers, as well as CEC European Managers‘s partners in EU social dialogueEurocadres.

Barbara De Micheli commenced the session by discussing the significance of the language used when talking about biases. She emphasized that choosing the right words is crucial for fostering an inclusive vision and further elaborated on the nature of unconscious bias, explaining how our cultural backgrounds, stereotypes, and automatic systems of thought shape our worldviews.

One of the managers participating at the training shared a striking example from her professional life: a colleague hired someone based on the assumption that international experience indicated open-mindedness and independence—only to find this was not the case.

This example illustrated how bias when assessing a CV can influence even the most well-intentioned decisions.

The discussion then expanded to the legal frameworks that promote inclusivity and gender equality. Participants debated whether more EU laws were necessary or if better enforcement and education would suffice.

One example discussed was the European Union’s directive on working time, which included commuting time as part of the working day.

Although approved years ago, the directive has not been fully implemented in several EU countries, including France.

Legrand clarified that the Beyunbi project is focused on social affairs rather than legal frameworks, emphasizing managers’ pivotal role in controlling biases and fostering inclusivity in the workplace.

Gender equality, a central training topic, prompted a particularly emotional discussion after participants watched the #LikeAGirl video from a past marketing campaign.

The toxic impact of machism on young boys and men was acknowledged, with participants recognizing how early stereotypes restrict emotional expression in boys. The consensus was that inclusive work environments, free of bias, benefit both men and women.

The debate around bias extended beyond gender, covering a wide range of related topics. Participants noted several benefits of addressing unconscious bias in the workplace, including increased productivity, better employee retention, improved reputation, and greater creativity.

Telework was also debated, with many managers agreeing that working together in person encourages creativity and innovation, suggesting that remote work should account for no more than 50% of overall working time.

The first day ended with participants splitting into groups to tackle real-life case studies, applying what they had learned from the day’s training.

On the second day, the debates continued, with the focus on family roles after having children or how the bias against syndicalists sometimes makes it harder for them to be hired. In general terms, the training was a success, with managers coming from all corners of France (including Guadeloupe) and Germany.

Clearly, the Beyond Unconscious Bias project has made significant strides in addressing unconscious bias. Through the dedication of CEC European Managers, Barbara De Micheli‘s insightful training coordination, and the strong support of the host organisation CFE-CGC, this final training session marked the successful culmination of a Europe-wide effort to create more inclusive work environments.

Public event on the 10 October

A virtual public event will be organised on the 10 October to further deepen the Paris training. The event will be live-streamed on Linkedin and more information will be published shortly about it.

Public event 1 - Beyond Unconscious Bias

Nearly 200 managers joined our first public event on unconscious bias

Yesterday, nearly 200 participants from across Europe took part at some point in the first public event of the EU Project “Beyond Unconscious Bias” (Beyunbi), coordinated by CEC European Managers.

The online event marked the first in a series of public discussions dedicated to addressing unconscious biases among leaders and managers, a critical topic in today’s workforce and to highlight the work that has been carried out throughout the Beyunbi trainings led by Barbara de Micheli from Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.

With this project funded by the European Commission, CEC European Managers is aiming to foster inclusive leadership practices, and welcome managers and leaders from various sectors and regions, keen to explore the influence of unconscious biases in leadership roles.

Three trainings funded by the European Commission

Three trainings on unconscious bias are targeting European leaders and managers and helping them to make better decisions. The trainings have been scheduled covering three different areas of the European continent, South (Rome), North (Copenhagen) and Central (Paris). They are coordinated by Baraba de Micheli from Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.

De Micheli engages participants in discussions and debates about decision-making processes in the workplace and ways of improving them, leaving subconscious preferences and mental shortcuts behind.

Alongside the training, CEC European Managers is organising public events to further engage the general audience in the unconscious bias discussion and to raise awareness of its effects.

Yesterday, the first of a series of public events highlighting the comprehensive training programs developed through the Beyunbi project showcased the work carried out by managers and leaders who attended the Copenhagen training just a couple of days ago.

The next public events are scheduled for October 10 in Paris and November 4 in Rome, each focusing on unconscious bias training conducted in those cities.

Highlights from the Public event

The event, which was held online at 15:00 CET on September 18, provided a platform for leaders, managers, and experts to discuss the key challenges posed by unconscious biases in the workplace.

Attendees heard from prominent figures, including Torkild Justesen, Secretary General of CEC European Managers, and experts from partner organisations like Lederne and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.

The speakers offered valuable insights into how biases affect leadership models, particularly in countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Germany, and how these biases can be countered through targeted training.

One of the key highlights was the presentation of some of the survey results of the University of Southern Denmark (Syddansk Universitet). Researcher Lea Skewes provided the European Commission with a specific report on European leadership bias. Among the respondents, over 1,000 European leaders from very diverse countries.

This analysis of the international survey conducted under the Beyunbi project provided a data-driven perspective on the prevalence of unconscious bias among European managers.

The findings underscored the need for ongoing awareness and training to promote equitable practices.

The event also featured a Q&A session where participants engaged directly with Beyunbi training experts and shared their thoughts on how to combat bias in their organizations.

Also, trainees from the recent session held in Copenhagen on September 9-10 contributed to the discussion, with Anders Koch Hess offering his personal insights on the challenges and solutions to addressing bias in leadership.

A Brussels conference on unconscious bias and public events ahead

Building on the success of the September 18 event, CEC European Managers will continue the conversation with upcoming public events. On October 10, the next session will take place online highlighting the work carried out in Paris, and it will be followed by a final online public event highlighting the work that was carried out in Rome on November 4. Each of these public events focuses on further training and discussions about unconscious bias.

The European project Beyunbi will also organise a face-to-face Final Conference in Brussels on the 27 November 2024. More information will be shared shortly.

As the project gains momentum, more managers are encouraged to join these events and contribute to shaping a more inclusive leadership culture across Europe.

For those interested in taking part, recordings of the event and details for future sessions can be accessed via the CEC European Managers’ official LinkedIn page.

Beyunbi - Public Event 1 LIVE

Watch full Beyond Unconscious Bias Public Event here [+]


Join the conversation in unconscious bias and be part of the change!

BANNER Public Event

Join our first online Public Event on unconscious bias among managers

The European project “Beyond Unconscious Bias” (BEYUNBI), coordinated by CEC European Managers, is proud to announce its first online public event, taking place on 18 September, 2024, at 15:00 CET.

This event will offer a unique platform for experts, project participants, and the public to engage in meaningful discussions about unconscious bias in leadership and the strategies to address it. The event will last for one hour and can be followed live via this [] or on the official LinkedIn page of CEC European Managers.

Event Highlights:

  • Expert Contributions: Experts from BEYUNBI, including the organisations CEC European Managers and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, will share their insights and expertise on tackling unconscious bias among managers.
  • For Managers: The event will explore leadership models and the unique challenges leaders face in countries such as Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Attendees will also interact with Torkild Justesen, the secretary general of CEC European Managers.
  • Survey Results Presentation: The University of Southern Denmark’s analysis of the international survey conducted through the EU Project Beyunbi will be presented alongside the main findings on unconscious bias, providing a data-driven perspective on the issue.
  • Q&A Session: Participants will have the chance to engage with the Beyunbi training experts, as well as trainees from the program held in Copenhagen on September 9-10, 2024.

Additionally, a participant in the Copenhagen training will offer his perspective on the challenges of addressing bias in leadership.

This open event represents a pivotal opportunity to deepen understanding of unconscious bias among leaders and exchange practical solutions for creating more inclusive workplaces.

Public Event Beyunbi Invitation

Link to access Public Event:

Time: 3PM (Central European Time)

Place: Online, ZOOM Room

Other streaming platforms: Linkedin Live Streaming company/cec-european-managers


About BEYUNBI – Beyond Unconscious Bias EU Project

The Beyond Unconscious Bias (BEYUNBI) project is an important initiative led by CEC European Managers, a key social partner of the European Commission representing over 1 million managers across Europe.

The project aims to address and mitigate unconscious bias in managerial roles through a series of targeted actions, including an international survey conducted by the University of Southern Denmark and online and face-to-face training organised by the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. BEYUNBI’s mission is to equip managers and leaders with the tools to foster more inclusive and equitable workplaces throughout the EU.

Through their commitment to inclusivity, gender equality, and women’s leadership, EU managers following this project will work to promote a more diverse and open managerial culture across the EU. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with thought leaders in the field and contribute to shaping a more inclusive future for management. For more information, visit the project’s website or follow CEC European Managers social media channels.